Wednesday, November 25, 2009

online group experience week 3 & 2

I forgot to post my online experience for week 2, so I'm combining the two weeks together. For week 2, Dana and I communicated more than Joseph and i communicated, I must say that Joseph did try to reach out to me, however, i was really during that week, that i was unable to respond. However, Dana and I did communicate through text messages and phone calls. More of the preliminary questions were answered and we search for web hosting sites that we thought would be suitable for the new site, we also modified our flowchart to make it easier to navigate once implemented i the new site. For week 3, Dana and I decided to have her submit the progress report for the week because we had conflicting schedules and could not meet, however, we did decide on our next meeting, we also discussed what we've done and what is left to be accomplished which id basically picking out the best choice for the new site and plugging things in.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

online group experience

The group experience this week was interesting, first of all we were missing the third member of the group even though, we communicated with this one person. However, that did not stop the rest of us from working, i would say that we got a lot the tasks assigned accomplished and i was quite satisfied with the amount of work that we got done. The rapport was very good, it was easy to get along and it seemed like we were on the same page as far as the delegation of the tasks went. We were able to brainstorm ideas and put them together. Even though we were missing one member, we were able to accomplish a lot.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


The first one i listened to was the teachers' podcasts with Kathy King and Mark Gura, even though it was long, i was able to pay attention to a few things that were discussed. Basically they both talked about new technological innovations for education, their advantages and some disadvantages, however, they mostly talked their advantages. One thing that made it easier for me to keep my focus on their podcast was their enthusiasm about the topics, they are completely pro new technology to make education easier. One of the new innovations talked about was an online environment that will connect teachers and students. If students especially in high school are able to get online and access their homework or projects and see due dates and activities, there will be no more excuses as to why their work was not done. This is also effective for the students that are seriously sick and have to be out of school for a long period of time, that way they are not so behind when they come back because all their assignments and summary of lectures will be available for them. I thought this was a brilliant idea. The second podcast i listened to was about the new environment where medical personnel can communicate across the board about new equipments that are available out there, and also new information, new experiments and results. It basically connects all medical personnel and keeps them up to date about medical issues and information. This was at Health 2.0 and the owner of the company that created this outlet is Lance Hill. I thought this was interesting.

I actually preferred listening than reading because when it comes to reading i tend to browse and not really comprehend what I'm reading, i tend to get the overall gist of the information. Even though i was doing other things, i was still tuned in to what i was listening to. For me it would be listening to the text without visual modality because i found that the visual modality would have been irrelevant.

I actually used to record my professors lectures and used that to study for my exams and i found that it really helped me because it helped me remember and understand more because i could take my time and comprehend. Listening actually helps me understand more about a topic than reading would because somehow i am able to envision my self in the topic and i am more connected than if i was reading the topic.

So yeah, i would actually rather listen than read.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

video that motivated me

I loved this video because it basically shows how creativity of children are forced to be in a box. It gives an example of Picasso that was asked to draw a face, however his interpretation of what a face is supposed to look like was not acceptable to the teachers and therefore he was given as F everytime he was asked to draw a picture, but he thought the F meant fantastic. The moral of the video is that what if Picasso realized that the teachers were failing him, would there be a Picasso today? Great food for thought!!

This video which was the first video was my favorite. Even though all three videos were very interesting. The video is a speech by Ken Robinson who is an internationally recognized leader in the development of creativity, innovation and human resources. He is also a New York Times Best selling author. His speech emphasized the importance of enhancing creativity in schools, he made it interesting by mixing humor in with his speech. This kept the audience engaged and interested. The speech touched on a lot of importance issues regarding creativity in schools, for example the fact that arts are placed at the bottom of the barrel in schools, and also the stigma that goes along with being "artsy" not to mention the amount of government funding that support the sciences and the lack of funding for music or art. As far as designing instruction goes, it is important that instuctors are able to design instructions that will enhance imagination and creativity without bias and in some way make it easier and okay for kids to explore their minds and express their creativity. He told a couple of stories that inspired me to help with enhancing the creativity in the kids that i work with, my favorite was the dancer story who supposedly had ADD, but in reality she was a dancer. As far as technology being intergrated goes, i feel that the advances that have been made in technology has made it easier for kids and adults to express themselves and i can only imagine waht the future of education will be like with further advances in technology. My question is where would the world be without creativity? Imagination is such a powerful tool in the human development that the lack of it would mean a very boring and uninnovative world.

The second video was the video about different students giving their opinions about the importance of sitting in a classroom and listening to a professor teach. Basically the students question the importance of the education received in schools especially college. I was able to definately relate to a lot of the students because i think about it almost everyday especially now that i am about to graduate. As for designing instructions, professors need to intergrate interactive means that will help stimulate the students in hopes of increasing knowledge. Most of the time students complain about how the traditional way of teaching makes it difficult for them to concentrate in class, what teachers need to do to add more discussions, presentations, group activities that will help the student not only gain an understanding of a topic but also keep the student involved and interested. Some of the students were complaining about how majority of their time in class is spent on facebook as opposed to listening to the teacher, the teachers can intergrate technology like the computer to help keep the students engaged.

The third video was actually my least favorite, however, it shed some light on how technology has progressed from back when form and content were inseparable to now where it is separated. This makes it easier for information to be passed on from source to source, it also makes it easier for people to be connected as far as, ideas shared through blogging or daily activities shared through twitter, or pictures shared through flickr, all these makes it easier for information to be retrieved and shared. As far as designing instruction goes, teacher are about to share more information and communicate better with the students. As for intergrating technology, the internet especially google is the most commonly used search engine for information and teachers are able to assign tasks that can be accomplished effectively and efficiently through the internet.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I tried to make this clearer but i couldn't.

Paper and pen mind mapping

There are several potential benefits of using mind mapping. Here are five:
1) Prepare and deliver presentations and speeches
2) Prepare and prioritize plans
3) Make better and faster decisions
4) Being creative through brainstorming
5)Better note taking and note making skills