Sunday, September 27, 2009

Designing for learners

Aside from learning styles and preferences, i think that we should take into account creating a positive instructor-student relationship. It is very important to gain the trust and respect of the students because it makes it difficult for the students to understand and be accepting of the teacher's approach to teaching. The instructor should take their time in explaining the motives behind the approach that they take, it makes it easier for the student to carry out their assignment without thinking that it is a waste of time, but rather that it is beneficial to them.

I also think that it is important for instructors to consider what the students are used to especially if the instructor is new. The instructor can do this by giving the students a survey, asking them what and how their experiences have been so far as a student, and what and how it can be made better, what worked and what didn't work. This gives the instructor an idea of what the students have been used to and design their curriculum from there.

Friday, September 25, 2009

My Own Myths

This assignment seemed to shed some light on the myths that people have about online learning. Personally i dont knock anything until i've tried it and that was my approach to omline learning and plus i really wanted to graduate faster, and in order for me to do that i had to take online classes. I guess my initial thought was that it was going to be easier, however my take on that, is that it depends on the professor and how enthused they are about the class. I have taken online classes that i only had to log on once a week for the tests and that was it, we did not have discussion forums and interactive activities to facilitate our learning. I have also taken classes where all facets of online learning is utilized. Another myth that i believed was that with online learning you get all the time in the world to get things done especially because the student paces him or herself, sadly i was mistaken. I quickly realized that there were still deadlines just as in the traditional classroom, and infact you get less time to work on material for the class. I think that with discipline and hardwork, online learning is not something to be feared or underestimated.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

my experience with the surveys

This week with the surveys was so tidious and long, although it was interesting to know all the learning styles and where i fit in.

Learning Style
The survey stated that i was an Auditory learner, at first i was kind of surprised because i did not see myself being an Auditory learner. I saw myself more as a Kinesthetic learner, one who is more hands on and enjoys practicing to learn new material. However, as i was reading through the descriptions of an Auditory learner i realized that it actually described me more.

The Myers-Briggs
The results showed that i was ESFP, which is distinctively extraverted, slightly sensing, distinctively feeling, and distinctively perceptive. I actually agreed more with this one than i did the first one.

Kolbs Inventory
This one showed that i was an Organizer and i absolutely agreed with this one. It showed that i adapt to changing circumstances and solutions to probelms are done in a trial & error manner. I also tend to be at ease with people, prefer challenges and like anything new.

Even though the surveys were long and tidious, i actually learned something new about how i prefer to learn, the other two surveys kind of confirmed what i already knew. I'm also trying to get the hang of being constantly online and having to keep up with twitter and blog, i'm trying to keep up, but i will hang in there!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

my expectations for ltec3440

My expectations for this class is that i learn something new that i will be able to utilize in my career, and also to have fun while learning, last but not least to make an A in the class.